Character Submission Checklist
A valid submission must contain all of the following
A killing floor texture package containing the following
- your character texture and the two combiners(ENV_CMB and _CMB), you can learn how to set these up here:Engine Material Setup
- your character's profile texture, you can learn how to create that here: Profile Texture Creation
- your first person arm texture
Skeletal Mesh
A killing floor animation package containing your skeletal mesh linked to the example characters animation set. You can learn about this here: Engine Skeletal Mesh Import & Setup
Your character must have proper lods set up described here: Engine Skeletal Mesh LOD Import & Setup
Gore meshes and scripts
A killing floor static mesh package containing your gore arm and leg limb
Your 2 gore limb .uc script files, the gore process is described here: Creating Gore Limbs assets and script
Your UPL file with the correct asset references pointing to all of your characters packages and content. You can learn about the upl file here: Creating UPL File
Species script
Your species .uc script file with proper class and first person arm texture references. You can learn about the species script file here: Creating Species Script