Getting set up

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Revision as of 16:16, 5 November 2013 by Alex KF (talk | contribs)
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Before you even start working on an Objective mode map you need to make sure that the relevant script packages are being loaded in the Editor. If they aren't you will not be able to place any Objectives or use any features of the Objective Mode codebase in your map...So this is kind of an important step.

1. Navigate to the KillingFloor\System folder and open up the KillingFloor.ini file.

2. Navigate to the 'EditPackages' list in the [Editor.EditorEngine] section of the file.

3. Ensure that there is a line that says "EditPackages=KFStoryGame" .

4. If there isn't, add it and save the file. If there is, you're good and you can just close the ini file.