Publishing a map with multiple gametypes

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Revision as of 18:26, 28 March 2012 by LordGleedo (talk | contribs)
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Publishing or "cooking" a map that supports multiple gametypes is more involved than just clicking the 'Publish' button in the SDK.

The following information was provided by [TWSwag] on the TWI forums. Check this thread for further questions and feedback regarding this issue.


If a community level designer makes a map with more than one game type (Territory, Countdown, Firefight) the cooked map content will make non-unique/duplicate supporting content packages per game type when published through editor.


Publish all game type modes simultaneously so that unique supporting packages are not required for each game type.


1) Save off each game type of your map (Firefight, Countdown, Territory) in your working directory

2) Shut down the editor

3) Open the command console for windows (DOS console for you old skoolers)

4) Navigate to the BINARIES\WIN64 directory RO2 installation directory in steam (in the command console for windows)

5) Enter the following command to cook a PC Client bundle for your maps:

rogame CookPackages -Platform=PC TE-[MAPNAME] FF-[MAPNAME] CD-[MAPNAME] -AlwaysRecookMaps -UpdateInisAuto -usermode -log

6) Enter the following command to cook a PCServer bundle for your maps:

rogame CookPackages -Platform=PCServer TE-[MAPNAME] FF-[MAPNAME] CD-[MAPNAME] -AlwaysRecookMaps -UpdateInisAuto -usermode -log

These commands will output to the Published\CookedPC directory in your user directory.

Replace [MAPNAME] with your map's name. Omit game types that you do not have.

NOTE: Any time you need to update, you must update all game type maps together.