ObjCondition Counter

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Revision as of 16:33, 6 November 2013 by Alex KF (talk | contribs)
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Counter conditions are similar to triggered conditions in that they wait for events that match their 'tag value. In their default state they simply count up the number of times they are triggered. They can also be used to count the number of currently active human players, or to count the total amount of cash a team has if modify the count type.

Configurable Properties

Variable Name Variable Type Description
CountType Enum Configures the counter to count different types of things. If you plan to trigger it with events, just leave this value at 'CT_Default'.
NumToCount Int If 'CountType' is CT_Default, this is the number of times you want this counter to be triggered before it is considered complete. If it is CT_Cash it's the amount of money you want players to attain. If it's CT_PlayerCount it's the number of players.
Duration Float Allows you to specify a time that the actor needs to be inside the given area if CompletionMethod == Method_EnterArea, or a time that they must be outside of the area if CompletionMethod == Method_LeaveArea
bRequiresWholeTeam Bool This flag is only relevant if ProximityTriggerType is a player pawn or controller. Forces the condition to only be marked complete if all living members of a team are in the desired area.
ProximityTriggerType Class<Actor> This is the type of actor we'd like to do checks for. It can be any actor with proper collision properties.
ProximityTag Name Allows you to specify a specific tag that the ProximityTriggerType actor must have set in order to be considered valid for encompass checks.
CompletionMethod Enum Allows you to specify whether the condition should be considered complete if the actor steps into the area, or steps out of it.
bKeepProgress Bool This is only relevant if 'Duration' is greater than 0. Causes the timer to reverse instead of resetting instantly if the ProximityActor moves outside of the area.
