ObjCondition ActorHealth

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Actor health conditions are used to track the health state of an actor in the map. A typical use for an actor health condition would be during the Patriarch boss fight in KFO-Frightyard and KFO-Steamland.

Configurable Properties

Variable Name Variable Type Description
TargetActor Actor This is the actor who's health you want to track. If your actor is not placed in the editor but is instead spawned at runtime you can leave this blank.
MinHealthPct Float The minimum percentage Target Actor's health must be of it's maximum for this condition to be considered complete. i.e a value of 0.5 would mean 50% health or less.
TargetPawnTag Name If you are attempting to track the health of a pawn that is spawned at runtime (the Patriarch, for example) enter the pawn's tag here so the condition can find it.
