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This is my stat generator for the killing floor weapon pages. --Benjamin (talk) 20:42, 11 October 2012 (EDT)

Result is stored here.


//============================================================================= // Weapon stat generator 08-November-2012 Benjamin // // KNOWN ISSUES // // * Cannot detect where different fire modes share the same // ammo (boomstick) // // * Cannot detect penetration for all weapons, must check manually. // // ===== INFO // // HEAD SHOTS // // Every weapon's head shot multiplier is stored in its associated damagetype // class, except (some of) those weapons whose projectiles implement // ProcessTouch themselves: CrossbowArrow, M99Bullet CrossbuzzsawBlade. These // projectiles have their own HeadShotDamageMult variable. // // NOTES // // (1) Certain classes don't use AmmoPerFire: MP7MAltFire, M7A3MAltFire // (2) Hardcoded penetration values: Deagle, MK23, 44Magnum, Crossbow, M99, // and Buzzsaw bow. Look in script files manually for these stats. // (3) Weapons only have a single ReloadRate stat (none for alt-fire) // (4) Weapons that auto-reload with a specific time: // // Hunting shotgun - ReloadCountDown stored in BoomStick.uc // M79 - FireRate (fire + reload are same animation) // Crossbow - FireRate (fire + reload are same animation) // LAW - FireRate (fire + reload are same animation) // M99 - FireRate (fire + reload are same animation) // Buzzsaw Bow - FireRate (fire + reload are same animation) //============================================================================= class KFStatOutputMut extends Mutator;

// Weapons var array< class<KFWeaponPickup> > AdditionalWeapons; var class<KFWeaponPickup> Pickup; var class<KFWeapon> Weapon; var class<WeaponFire> Fire[2]; var class<KFMonster> KFM;

// Specimens var array< class<KFMonster> > AdditionalSpecimens; var array<float> GameDifficulty; var array<float> BountyMultiplier; var array<float> HealthMultiplier; var array<float> HeadHealthMultiplier; var array<float> SpeedMultiplier; var array<float> DamageMultiplier;

function OutputStatNum(string Title, float Stat, optional float AltStat) { OutputStat(Title, string(Stat), string(AltStat)); }

function OutputStat(string Title, string Stat, optional string AltStat) { local int A, x;

// Adjust stat name Title $= ":"; A = Len(Title); if (A < 14) { for (x = 0; x < 14 - A; x++) Title $= " "; }

if (Fire[1] != none && AltStat != "") Log(Title $ Stat @ "(" $ AltStat $ ")"); else Log(Title $ Stat); }

function GenerateWeaponStats() { local string Name; local string Perk; local int Cost; local int AmmoCost; local int Weight; local int Capacity[2]; local int MagazineSize[2]; local float FireRate[2]; local float ReloadSpeed[2]; local float Spread[2]; local int Damage[2]; local float DamageRadius[2]; local float HeadMultiplier[2]; local int Pellets[2]; local int MaxPens[2]; local float PenReduction[2]; local float Range;

local int i, x; local array< class<Pickup> > WeaponList;

for (i = 0; i < ArrayCount(class'KFLevelRules'.default.ItemForSale); i++) if (class'KFLevelRules'.default.ItemForSale[i] != none) WeaponList[WeaponList.Length] = class'KFLevelRules'.default.ItemForSale[i];

for (i = 0; i < AdditionalWeapons.Length; i++) WeaponList[WeaponList.Length] = AdditionalWeapons[i];

// Main loop for (i = 0; i < WeaponList.Length; i++) { Pickup = class<KFWeaponPickup>(WeaponList[i]); if (Pickup != none) { Weapon = class<KFWeapon>(Pickup.default.InventoryType); if (Weapon != none) { for (x = 0; x < 2; x++) { if (Weapon.default.FireModeClass[x] != none && IsTrueFire(Weapon.default.FireModeClass[x])) Fire[x] = Weapon.default.FireModeClass[x]; else Fire[x] = none; }

GetName(Name); GetPerk(Perk); GetCost(Cost); GetAmmoCost(AmmoCost); GetWeight(Weight); GetCapacity(Capacity); GetMagazineSize(MagazineSize); GetFireRate(FireRate); GetReloadSpeed(ReloadSpeed); GetSpread(Spread); GetDamage(Damage); GetDamageRadius(DamageRadius); GetHeadMultiplier(HeadMultiplier); GetPellets(Pellets); GetMaxPens(MaxPens); GetPenReduction(PenReduction); GetRange(Range);

OutputStat("Name", Name); OutputStat("Perk", Perk); OutputStatNum("Cost", Cost); OutputStatNum("Weight", Weight); OutputStatNum("Ammo cost", AmmoCost); OutputStatNum("Capacity", Capacity[0], Capacity[1]); OutputStatNum("Magazine", MagazineSize[0], MagazineSize[1]); OutputStatNum("Damage", Damage[0], Damage[1]); OutputStatNum("Radius", DamageRadius[0], DamageRadius[0]); OutputStatNum("Head", HeadMultiplier[0], HeadMultiplier[1] ); OutputStatNum("Pellets", Pellets[0], Pellets[1]); OutputStatNum("Spread", Spread[0], Spread[1]); OutputStatNum("Max pens", MaxPens[0], MaxPens[1]); OutputStatNum("Pen reduc", PenReduction[0], PenReduction[1]); OutputStatNum("Fire rate", FireRate[0], FireRate[1]); OutputStatNum("Reload sp", ReloadSpeed[0], ReloadSpeed[1]); Log(""); } } }

Log(""); Log(""); }

function GenerateSpecimenStats() { local string Name; local int Bounty[5]; local int Health[5]; local float HeadHealth[5]; local float Speed[5]; local int Damage[5]; local float Range;

local KFGameType KF; local int i; local array < class<KFMonster> > Specimens;

KF = KFGameType(Level.Game);

Log("==========================================================="); Log("SPECIMEN STATS ============================================"); Log("===========================================================");

for (i = 0; i < KF.StandardMonsterClasses.Length; i++) Specimens[Specimens.Length] = class<KFMonster>(DynamicLoadObject( class'KFGameType'.default.StandardMonsterClasses[i].MClassName, class'class'));

for (i = 0; i < AdditionalSpecimens.Length; i++) Specimens[Specimens.Length] = AdditionalSpecimens[i];

for (i = 0; i < Specimens.Length; i++) { KFM = Specimens[i];

GetSpecimenName(Name); GetSpecimenBounty(Bounty); GetSpecimenHealth(Health); GetSpecimenHeadHealth(HeadHealth); GetSpecimenSpeed(Speed); GetSpecimenDamage(Damage); GetSpecimenRange(Range);

Log("Name: " $ Name); Log("Bounty: " $ Bounty[0] @ Bounty[1] @ Bounty[2] @ Bounty[3] @ Bounty[4]); Log("Health: " $ Health[0] @ Health[1] @ Health[2] @ Health[3] @ Health[4]); Log("HeadHealth: " $ HeadHealth[0] @ HeadHealth[1] @ HeadHealth[2] @ HeadHealth[3] @ HeadHealth[4]); Log("Speed: " $ Speed[0] @ Speed[1] @ Speed[2] @ Speed[3] @ Speed[4]); Log("Damage: " $ Damage[0] @ Damage[1] @ Damage[2] @ Damage[3] @ Damage[4]); Log("Range: " $ Range); Log(""); }

Log(""); }

function PostBeginPlay() { GenerateWeaponStats(); GenerateSpecimenStats(); }

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SPECIMEN STAT CALCULATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

function GetSpecimenName(out string Name) { Name = KFM.default.MenuName; }

function GetSpecimenBounty(out int KillScore[5]) { local int i;

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) KillScore[i] = Max(1, int(KFM.default.ScoringValue * BountyMultiplier[i])); }

function GetSpecimenHealth(out int Health[5]) { local int i;

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) Health[i] = Ceil(KFM.default.Health * HealthMultiplier[i]); }

function GetSpecimenHeadHealth(out float HeadHealth[5]) { local int i;

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) HeadHealth[i] = Ceil(KFM.default.HeadHealth * HeadHealthMultiplier[i]); }

function GetSpecimenSpeed(out float Speed[5]) { local int i;

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) Speed[i] = KFM.default.GroundSpeed * SpeedMultiplier[i]; }

function GetSpecimenDamage(out int Damage[5]) { local int i;

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) Damage[i] = KFM.default.MeleeDamage * DamageMultiplier[i]; }

function GetSpecimenRange(out float Range) { Range = KFM.default.MeleeRange; }

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WEAPON STAT CALCULATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

function GetName(out string Name) { Name = Pickup.default.ItemName; }

function GetPerk(out string Perk) { Perk = KFGameType(Level.Game).default. LoadedSkills[Pickup.default.CorrespondingPerkIndex].default.VeterancyName; }

function GetCost(out int Cost) { Cost = Pickup.default.Cost; }

function GetAmmoCost(out int AmmoCost) { AmmoCost = Pickup.default.AmmoCost; }

function GetWeight(out int Weight) { Weight = Pickup.default.Weight; }

function GetCapacity(out int Capacity[2], optional int Index) { Capacity[Index] = 0; if (Index == 0) GetCapacity(Capacity, 1);

if (Fire[Index] != none && !IsMeleeFire(Fire[Index]) && Fire[Index].default.AmmoClass != none) Capacity[Index] = Fire[Index].default.AmmoClass.default.MaxAmmo; }

function GetMagazineSize(out int MagazineSize[2]) { MagazineSize[0] = Weapon.default.MagCapacity; MagazineSize[1] = 0; // Can't be obtained normally }

function GetFireRate(out float FireRate[2], optional int Index) { FireRate[Index] = 0; if (Index == 0) GetFirerate(FireRate, 1);

if (IsAutoReloadingWeapon(Weapon)) // (4) Weapons that fire-reload in one animation FireRate[Index] = 0; else { if (Fire[Index] != none) FireRate[Index] = Fire[Index].default.FireRate; } }

function GetReloadSpeed(out float ReloadSpeed[2], optional int Index) { ReloadSpeed[Index] = 0; if (Index == 0) GetReloadSpeed(ReloadSpeed, 1);

if (IsAutoReloadingWeapon(Weapon)) // (4) Weapons that fire-reload in one animation if (Fire[Index] != none) ReloadSpeed[Index] = Fire[Index].default.FireRate; else { if (Fire[Index] != none) ReloadSpeed[Index] = Weapon.default.ReloadRate; // (3) } }

function GetSpread(out float Spread[2], optional int Index) { Spread[Index] = 0; if (Index == 0) GetSpread(Spread, 1);

if (Fire[Index] != none) Spread[Index] = Fire[Index].default.Spread; }

function GetDamage(out int Damage[2], optional int Index) { Damage[Index] = 0; if (Index == 0) GetDamage(Damage, 1);

if (Fire[Index] != none) { if (class<InstantFire>(Fire[Index]) != none) // HITSCAN Damage[Index] = class<InstantFire>(Fire[Index]).default.DamageMax; else if(class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]) != none) // PROJECTILE { if (class<MP7MMedicGun>(Weapon) != none) Damage[Index] = class<MP7MMedicGun>(Weapon).default.HealBoostAmount; else if (class<M7A3MMedicGun>(Weapon) != none) Damage[Index] = class<M7A3MMedicGun>(Weapon).default.HealBoostAmount; else Damage[Index] = class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]).default.ProjectileClass.default.Damage; } else if (class<KFMeleeFire>(Fire[Index]) != none) // MELEE { Damage[Index] = class<KFMeleeFire>(Fire[Index]).default.MeleeDamage; } } }

function GetDamageRadius(out float DamageRadius[2], optional int Index) { local class<DamageType> DT;

DamageRadius[Index] = 0; if (Index == 0) GetDamageRadius(DamageRadius, 1);

if (Fire[Index] != none && class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]) != none) { DT = class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]).default.ProjectileClass.default.MyDamageType; if (class<KFWeaponDamageType>(DT) != none) { if (class<KFWeaponDamageType>(DT).default.bIsExplosive) DamageRadius[Index] = class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]).default.ProjectileClass.default.DamageRadius; } } }

function GetHeadMultiplier(out float HeadMultiplier[2], optional int Index) { local class<Projectile> P;

HeadMultiplier[Index] = 1.0; if (Index == 0) GetHeadMultiplier(HeadMultiplier, 1);

if (Fire[Index] != none) { if (class<InstantFire>(Fire[Index]) != none) // HITSCAN { if (class<KFWeaponDamageType>(class<InstantFire>(Fire[Index]).default.DamageType) != none) HeadMultiplier[Index] = class<KFWeaponDamageType>( class<InstantFire>(Fire[Index]).default.DamageType).default.HeadShotDamageMult; } else if (class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]) != none) // PROJECTILE { P = class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]).default.ProjectileClass;

if (P == class'CrossbuzzsawBlade') // Buzzsaw bow HeadMultiplier[Index] = class<CrossbuzzsawBlade>(P).default.HeadShotDamageMult; else if (P == class'CrossbowArrow') // CROSSBOW HeadMultiplier[Index] = class<CrossbowArrow>(P).default.HeadShotDamageMult; else if (P == class'M99Bullet') // M99 HeadMultiplier[Index] = class<M99Bullet>(P).default.HeadShotDamageMult; else if ( P.default.MyDamageType != none && class<KFWeaponDamageType>(P.default.MyDamageType) != none ) // ANY OTHER PROJECTILES USE DAMAGETYPE HeadMultiplier[Index] = class<KFWeaponDamageType>(P.default.MyDamageType).default.HeadShotDamageMult; } else if (class<KFMeleeFire>(Fire[Index]) != none) // MELEE { if (class<DamTypeMelee>(class<KFMeleeFire>(Fire[Index]).default.hitDamageClass) != none) HeadMultiplier[Index] = class<DamTypeMelee>(class<KFMeleeFire>(Fire[Index]).default.hitDamageClass).default.HeadShotDamageMult; } } }

function GetPellets(out int Pellets[2], optional int Index) { Pellets[Index] = 0; if (Index == 0) GetPellets(Pellets, 1);

if (Fire[Index] != none && class<KFShotgunFire>(Fire[Index]) != none) { if (IgnoresLoad(Fire[Index])) // (1) see note Pellets[Index] = class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]).default.ProjPerFire; else Pellets[Index] = class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]).default.ProjPerFire * class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]).default.AmmoPerFire; } }

function GetMaxPens(out int MaxPens[2], optional int Index) { local class<Projectile> P;

MaxPens[Index] = 0; if (Index == 0) GetMaxPens(MaxPens, 1);

if (class<InstantFire>(Fire[Index]) != none) // HITSCAN { // (2) Deagle, MK23, 44Magnum } else if (class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]) != none) // PROJECTILE { P = class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]).default.ProjectileClass;

if (class<ShotgunBullet>(P) != none) MaxPens[Index] = class<ShotgunBullet>(P).default.MaxPenetrations; } }

function GetPenReduction(out float PenReduction[2], optional int Index) { local class<Projectile> P;

PenReduction[Index] = 0; if (Index == 0) GetPenReduction(PenReduction, 1);

if (class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]) != none) { P = class<BaseProjectileFire>(Fire[Index]).default.ProjectileClass; if (class<ShotgunBullet>(P) != none) PenReduction[Index] = class<ShotgunBullet>(P).default.PenDamageReduction; } }

function GetRange(out float Range) { if (class<KFMeleeFire>(Fire[0]) != none) Range = class<KFMeleeFire>(Fire[0]).default.WeaponRange; else Range = 0; }

// Utilities

function bool IsTrueFire(class<WeaponFire> Fire) { if (Fire.Name == 'NoFire' || Fire.Name == 'ShotgunLightFire' || Fire.Name == 'SingleALTFire' ) return false;

return true; }

function bool IsMeleeFire(class<WeaponFire> Fire) { if (Fire == none) return false; if (class<KFMeleeFire>(Fire) != none) return true; return false; }

function bool IgnoresLoad(class<WeaponFire> Fire) { if (class<MP7MAltFire>(Fire) != none || class<M7A3MAltFire>(Fire) != none)

return true;

return false; }

function bool IsAutoReloadingWeapon(class<Weapon> Weapon) // (4) { if (Weapon == class'KFMod.Boomstick') return true; else if (Weapon == class'KFMod.M79GrenadeLauncher') return true; else if (Weapon == class'KFMod.Crossbow') return true; else if (Weapon == class'KFMod.LAW') return true; else if (Weapon == class'KFMod.M99SniperRifle') return true; else if (Weapon == class'KFMod.Crossbuzzsaw') return true;

return false; }

defaultproperties { GroupName="KFStatOutputMut" FriendlyName"KFStatOutput" Description="..." GameDifficulty=(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0) BountyMultiplier=(2.0, 1.0, 0.85, 0.65, 0.65) HealthMultiplier=(0.5, 1.0, 1.35, 1.55, 1.75) HeadHealthMultiplier=(0.5, 1.0, 1.35, 1.55, 1.75) SpeedMultiplier=(0.95, 1.0, 1.15, 1.22, 1.3) DamageMultiplier=(0.3, 1.0, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75) AdditionalSpecimens=(class'KFChar.ZombieBoss') }