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Killing Floor class KFWeapon (source)
Object >> Actor >> Inventory >> Weapon >> BaseKFWeapon >> KFWeapon

Base weapon class for Killing Floor.


int AppID

Unique ID used to identify paid DLC weapons.

bool bAimingRifle

Set to true if using the scope or iron sights.

bool bAmmoHUDAsBar


bool bConsumesPhysicalAmmo

Set to true if the weapon consumes some form of ammunition (false for syringe and welder).

bool bDoSingleReload


bool bDualWeapon

Set to true if the dual version of a weapon (dualies, etc).

bool bHasScope

Set to true if the weapon has a scope.

bool bHasSecondaryAmmo

Set to true if weapon has secondary ammo (M4 203).

bool bIsReloading

Set to true while reloading.

bool bIsTier2Weapon

Set to true if if the weapon is tier 2 (used for achievements).

bool bIsTier3Weapon

Set to true if if the weapon is tier 3 (used for achievements).

bool bKFNeverThrow

If set to true the weapon cannot be thrown.

bool bModeZeroCanDryFire

If set to true, pulling the trigger when the weapon is empty will cause an auto-reload.

bool bNoHit


bool bPendingFlashlight

Set to true when the player has pressed the flashlight key but the associated weapon has not yet been brought up.

bool bPreviouslyDropped

Set to true if a player had previously dropped this weapon.

bool bReduceMagAmmoOnSecondaryFire

Setting to true will prevent primary ammo from being consumed when using secondary fire (M4 203).

bool bReloadEffectDone

Set to false when starting a reload, and true when complete.

bool bShowPullOutHint

Used exclusively for the knife to check if a relevant hint should be shown.

bool bSpeedMeUp

If set to true, holding this weapon can increase the player's speed.

bool bSteadyAim

If set to true, this weapon's accuracy is not affected by movement.

bool bUseCombos


Vector EndBeamEffect


name FlashBoneName


Effect_TacLightProjector FlashLight


string HudImageRef


KFScopeDetailSettings KFScopeDetail


float LastAmmoResult


float LastHasGunMsgTime


int MagAmmoRemaining


string MeshRef


float NextAmmoCheckTime


int NumClicks


int NumLoadedThisReload


float QuickBringUpTime


float QuickPutDownTime


int ReferenceCount


float ReloadTimer


string SelectedHudImageRef


string SelectSoundRef


int SellValue


array<string> SkinRefs


float StandardDisplayFOV


int StoppingPower


Actor TacShine


PlayerController Tier3WeaponGiver


texture TraderInfoTexture


name WeaponReloadAnim


bool bHoldToReload


bool bTorchEnabled


EClientGrenadeState ClientGrenadeState


vector FirstPersonFlashlightOffset


material HudImage


name IdleAimAnim


int MagCapacity


int MinimumFireRange


name ModeSwitchAnim


name ReloadAnim


float ReloadAnimRate


float ReloadRate


material SelectedHudImage


byte SleeveNum


class<InventoryAttachment> TacShineClass


sound ToggleSound


float Weight


sound AimInSound


sound AimOutSound


bool bHasAimingMode


float ZoomedDisplayFOVHigh
