Grain Elevator

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The Stalingrad Grain Elevator stands on the river side of the main rail line through the city, not far from Rail Station #2. The area of older workshops and warehouses had been bulldozed a few years earlier, to build out the “food combine” area, intended to feed the rapidly-growing city. The grain elevator had only been built in 1940 and was in its first full year of operation. The eight-storey building dominated the whole of the southern section of the city and, as a result, was a vital observation point. Whoever held it held the key to the southern section of the city.

On the 16th September, the German 24th Panzer Division bypassed the grain elevator, ignoring it as it seemed to be completely unoccupied. This turned out to be a mistake, as the Russians infiltrated a small number of troops from 42nd Rifle Brigade, supported by the Naval Infantry of 92nd Rifle Brigade, and occupied the huge building. The German 94th Infantry Division was then forced to assault the building head-on. It took them 3 days to clear the few defenders from the building.



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