Creating Objectives

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What is an Objective?

Objectives are the most important part of any Objective mode map. They determine how the gameplay should flow as well as setting winning / losing conditions for players. There is no limit on the number of objectives that can be placed in a map, but you should try to reduce it where possible to avoid clutter. It is important to note that there can only be one active objective at any given time. If you want to create complex 'multi-part' objectives you are often better off using multiple conditions inside a single objective than creating multiple different objective actors. Another thing to keep in mind is that objectives are always the same for all players connected to a server. You cannot assign one player an objective that is different from someone else's. Outside of these limitations, there are very few things you can't do with Objectives. They are highly configurable and capable of producing some very complex and interesting gameplay scenarios.

Placing your First Objective

Open the Actor classes browser and navigate to StoryObjectiveBase. Expand it and you should see 'KF_StoryObjective'.

Select it and right click anywhere in your map with solid ground. You see the option to 'Add KF_StoryObjective'. Select this option and you should now see a green icon with a checkmark in the viewport.

Objective Naming

Now that you have an objective in your map you need to give it a name. Select the objective and press F4 to open it's property menu. Click on 'Objective_Settings' from the list of collapsible categories so that it expands. Enter a name for your objective here. it can be whatever you want, but it helps to have it be relevant to what you want the players to do to complete it. i.e the Bloat bile objective in KFO-Frighyard is named 'CollectBloatBile'.


Objective Ordering

Now that your objective has a name, the next step is to let your map how the order in which it should be given to players. To do this, we are going to add it to a list in the level properties.

Press F6 to bring up the level properties window for your map. Expand the rollout titled 'Rules_Objectives' and select 'Add' next to the StoryObjectives array. This will produce a blank field where you should enter the name that you came up with for your first objective. The order in which you enter objective names in this array is very important. Index [0] of the array will always be the position of the first objective you want players to complete. Subsequent indices in the array denote future objectives in the order you wish them to be completed.

Objective Conditions

Now that your map has an objective and knows when it should activate it you need to add a condition to your objective which will let the game know what players have to do in order to complete it.