Specimen Mechanics
When the head health of the specimen hits 0, its head explodes and takes additional damage. The base damage of the decapitation bonus is given in the below formula taken from KFMonster.uc[#source_code]:
// Head explodes, causing additional hurty. if( KFPawn(LastDamagedBy)!=None ) { TakeDamage( LastDamageAmount + 0.25 * HealthMax , LastDamagedBy, LastHitLocation, LastMomentum, LastDamagedByType); }
The decapitation bonus receives all damage modifiers given by perk bonuses, head shot bonus, and weapon resistances/weaknesses. Under most circumstances, decapitation will result in an instant death. However, if the bonus damage is not sufficient to kill, a bleed out timer is started and the specimen will aimlessly wander around until the timer reaches 0. The bleed out time varies amongst specimens [#BleedOutDuration].
Specimen | Bleed Out Time (s) |
Crawler, Stalker, Clot, Gorefast, Siren | 5 |
Bloat, Husk, Scrake | 6 |
Fleshpound | 7 |